History of LCCNC

Our Story...

Prior to 1994, North Carolina did not have licensure for professional counselors. The initial Licensed Professional Counselors Act (LPC Act) ratified July 24, 1993, became effective July 1, 1994.  With passage, the LPC Act granted NC Licensed Counselors the opportunity to gain recognition in the mental health field in North Carolina amongst the ranks of independently licensed behavioral healthcare providers. 

LCCNC's origin dates back to many unmet professional needs of North Carolina's Licensed Counselors. Before 1995, advocacy for Licensed Counselors occurred sporadically, if at all. Licensed Counselor continuing education needs were not sufficiently addressed, often competing with other counseling education agendas. Then and now, the North Carolina Counseling Association (NCCA) did not have a division specifically dedicated to the  Licensed Counselors. 

In the fall of 1995, four Licensed Counselors met at a coffee house in Raleigh, North Carolina to discuss NC LPC professional interests.  The 1995 establishment of the Licensed Clinical Counselors of North Carolina (LCCNC) was founded to advance and address the needs of Licensed Professional Counselors working in a wide variety of settings.

The first LCCNC board of directors of LCCNC:  President, Bridget Shelley Atchley; Vice President, Denny Cecil; Secretary, Kathryn Glenn; and Treasurer, DJ Pappas. Early 1996, Jim Gibson joined as LCCNC newsletter (Professional Ties) editor; Jeff Pearce as Membership Chair; and Karen Elliott, Clara Atchley, and Michael Wells as Members-at-Large. Fundamental core values remain the same true values upon which established LCCNC. Broad and inclusive membership, advocacy, communication among Licensed Counselors, and professional development were the founding core values and continue as the mission and top goals of the association.

Starting a new professional association was far from easy.  Many volunteer hours, a shared vision and mission combined with resolve and dedication helped establish LCCNC.  From 1995 through today, LCCNC is a product of professional and personal commitment for professional counseling: the only association in North Carolina dedicated the needs of Licensed Counselors.

While initially incorporated as a "Not-for-Profit", LCCNC was "re" incorporated as a Non-Profit Professional Membership Corporation on July 12, 2005 and IRS Non-Profit 501(c)6 status on August 31, 2005. 

LCCNC Elected Board Positions, and Appointed Committees, and Task Forces

The President of LCCNC shall appoint up to nine (9) members to the LCCNC Board of Directors with a consenting 2/3 majority vote of the Board as outlined in the LCCNC Bylaws. Those appointments are as follows: 
  • Six (6) appointed committee chairs (Conference, Communications and Media, Membership, Advocacy, Events, and University Relations) will serve one (1) year renewable terms.
  • Two (2) members at large will serve 2-year terms that are staggered so that the returning member at large will mentor the incoming member at large.
  • One (1) counselor education graduate student will serve a 1-year term.   

Subject to confirmation by the Board, the President shall appoint Chairpersons to standing committees in order to conduct the activities of the association.  

The term of office for committee Chairpersons shall be one (1) year unless determined otherwise by their duties as an elected officer. 

The President may appoint and have confirmed by Board of Directors any special committees, commissions, and task forces which are comprised of and/or chaired by individuals not on the Board of Directors. These appointees shall serve at the pleasure of and be accountable to the President and Board of Directors. They shall report to the President and Board of Directors according to schedules determined by the Board and shall be subject to recall by the Board of Directors.