LCCNC Volunteer Opportunities
Calling LCCNC Members!

Founded as a 501(c)6 non-profit,
LCCNC Volunteers put life into our Association.
With so many opportunities, every volunteer enriches our profession and association. Without volunteers, LCCNC could NOT operate.
A few ways to volunteer
- Present a webinar or in-person presentation
- Serve on a Committee or the LCCNC Board
- Write for The Counselors' Voice - our monthly newsletter
- Contribute to our vlogs
- Be a social media contributor
Have an interest, talent or skill to share? Think outside the box - let us know your ideas! We have endless opportunities for you to volunteer with LCCNC and make a difference in your profession.
- Help Your People. The altruist in you is a valued asset to your profession and peers ....
- Try a New Role or Develop a New Skill....
- Make Connections or Friends in the Clinical Mental Health Profession....
- Build Out Your CV/Resume....
- Make a Difference - Be a Part of Something Bigger....
- After one-year of completed service, volunteers are eligible to be awarded CE credit for service to their profession...
- After providing a training event, volunteers are awarded certificates of service (*can be used for CE)....
STEP #1: Find your LCCNC Volunteer Opportunity
- EVENTS - The Events Committee meets regularly to assist with the needs and planning of these events. This team coordinates with the appropriate committee such as Professional Development and Membership to facilitate the event.
- ADVOCACY - The Advocacy Committee works to develop strategies to affect positive legislative and public policy change for LCMHCs and to advocate for the counseling credential in the public and private sectors. This committee provides guidance and consultation to and works closely with the organization's lobbyists and the Association staff. As matters related to Advocacy are of extreme importance to all LCMHCs, a page on the LCCNC website has been devoted to this area. It is the job of the chair of the Advocacy Committee to keep the information on this page current and accurate. Additionally, the Advocacy Committee is responsible for hosting an annual Advocacy Day and coordinating other advocacy initiatives as needed.
- COMMUNICATIONS - The Communications primary role is to provide information management for the association. This is done by publicizing information about LCCNC through marketing materials such as the newsletter, social media, the website, organizational brochures, publicity materials, and public service/media announcements and articles. This committee may outsource marketing efforts with budgetary and Board approval. The monthly Newsletter is called The Counselors Voice and is edited by the association staff and Communications Committee. The official website is The committee works with association staff to ensure the website is up to date and indicative of the association's annual goals and strategic plan.
- MEMBERSHIP/UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - The Membership Committee is responsible for membership development and retention through such duties as generating incentives to encourage new membership and renewal; organizing regional meetings; encouraging the responsibility of all board members in the membership outreach process; seeing that all members are acknowledged appropriately; and ensuring that the association serves the needs of the organization. Regional Representatives who are overseen by and are under the guidance of the Member at Large I, are required to have at least two Regional Meetings per year in order to receive a discount to the annual conference; if in addition they administratively host a professional development activity, they will be also be provided a complimentary voucher for the activity being hosted. The state consists of three Membership Regions with Regional Representatives servicing in each. Works to develop active relationships with the counselor education graduate programs in NC; assists graduate students and current graduates to gain knowledge and connections in their journey to become LCMHCAs. Collaborates with all committees. Their responsibility is to organize and facilitate regional meeting.
Please complete the form below. Be sure to let us know which committee you're interested in at the top of the comments section.