LCCNC Partners
LCCNC is proud to call AATBS one of our partners. AATBS, the leading provider of NCE and NCMHCE exam prep is pleased to offer 20% discount to our members with a full money back guarantee.
This exclusive benefit is available to you as an LCCNC member.
CPH & Associates is a highly reputable mappractice (professional liability) insurance provider. LCCNC is proud to partner with CPH to serve LCCNC members (eligible to receive a member discount). From their graduate practicum and internship, onto supervised professional practice and full licensure, CPH serves mental health counseling professionals from graduate school to licensure. For over 20 years, CPH & Associates provides consultation on avoiding liability, responding to subpeonas and other matters related to malpractice insurance. CPH & Associates focuses on your liability needs in a way that bigger companies are not.
NBFE, the National Board of Forensice Evaluators is also a LCCNC partner. NBFE strives to elevate the practice of forensic mental health evaluations and to provide the highest of standards to better inform the court system and promote the welfare and protection of the public. This partnership will benefit you through access to continuing education and certification opportunities.
LCCNC has partnered with the TeleHealth Certification Institute to bring you high-quality telehealth training and consultation for health professionals and organizations. The TeleHealth Certification Institute offers an online CE marketplace of over 125 specialized courses and 4 free webinars yearly with over 35,000 providers that have been trained on essential telehealth competences.
LCCNC is the North Carolina State Chapter of AMHCA (American Mental Health Counselors Association) which allow members to receive reduced liability insurance rates through CPH. In fact, Student members can receive FREE liability insurance through CPH if you are an active students of AMHCA (not state chapters).